I have hunted all over North America but there is something about hunting at home that is special. My great Grandfather homesteaded the Red Hawk Ranch, our family farm in central Minnesota, in 1917 and, to date, five generations on my father’s side have learned to hunt on this land.
Granted many things have changed on and around the farm since its humble beginning’s but, one thing that has sustained is the true love of the pursuit of the elusive whitetail and the desire to teach our children how to pursue these beautiful creatures.
When I first met Chris on our Montana archery elk hunt and, we began to talk about our passion for hunting we both quickly realized our commonalities. Though our lives after our youths had taken us different directions, we both held our core passion for the love of the hunt and the importance of raising our kids in this environment.
After serving in the Marine Corps, life had brought me back home to the farm where I was able to sustain a living that kept me here and, consequently I and my wife were able to raise our children here starting them afield at an early age. I would put them in a makeshift backpack on deer stalks or teach them how to rattle antlers, used deer calls and, cover them in camo netting under my deer stand at the base of the tree using them to call in deer.
Now my children are adults, both love hunting, the outdoors and, I would put both of them up against any of the top hunters in the world with regards to finding, stalking and putting game on the ground plus all that comes after an animal is on the ground. At the time Chris and I met that is really where my thoughts about this “heritage” stopped pending of course, the possibility of grandchildren someday.
Flash-forward, a brotherhood formed, blood sweat and tears shared on many hunts and adventures and most importantly, family/families time spent together. Our children though years apart in age are starting to teach each other new and old things and, I get to be part of sharing the Red Hawk Ranch and so much more.
Chris and I would like to thank you all for visiting our website and taking time to get a glimpse of the Brotherhood. We hope to show you many awesome hunts and adventures as both our families go afield some as savvy experienced hunters and some as beginners but rest assured no mater what, its all about the Brotherhood.